The Fat Lady Sings: Gargantua Goes on a Diet (Nicole Anne Dunkel, Copyright 1982)

_________________________________ O NCE UPON A TIME there was a little girl who ate SO many Twin Bing Candy Bars she grew & grew SO tall that she looked DOWN on the Empire State Building. Her body was so stretched out that it couldnt stretch any more, but Gargantua, the not-so-little girl’s name, kept on eating Bings anyway & so all that blubber had to go somewhere, so it began spreading out, out, out. Gargantua grew into a blob of mountainous fat. She grew SO fat she couldnt move at all so the New York City Police decided to leave her next to the Empire State Building & build a fence around her. There she sat, Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer, while all the city folks gawked & stared & fed her all kinds of sweets. Once, some tourists from Sioux City, Iowa, even gave her Bings. One day, some people from the Modern Museum of Art decided to buy Gargantua & made plans to build an art gallery around her. “Thank you,” Gargantua said. “It’s getting cold ...