Autumn -- A Dream: My Doctor is Breaking Up With Me?

The Little Thief (the author as a baby) _______________________ As I was walking to the polls on November 6, I recalled a strange dream I had experienced the previous night. I was at my doctor’s – only she wasn’t my regular doctor, who is from Bangladesh and is very sweet, lovely, and kind. I adore her. My “dream” doctor, on the other hand, was pale and blond, and she had an attitude –she reminded me of the ladies at Fox News. She was too young, too skinny, too glam, too made up, just too damn perfect – too intimidating. But she was my doctor, and I needed her for whatever ailed me (unknown as to what that was – isn’t it odd how dreams often leave out important information?). “I’m going to be honest with you, Jennifer,” she said, standing away from me, taking care not to touch me. “You can’t be my patient anymore.” “What?” My doctor was breaking up with me? How could I not see this coming? But I hadn’t. I felt sick in the pit of my stomach. “You’ll have to...