Summer: An Open Letter to My Friends Who Have Recently Lost Weight
The author doing what she likes doing best: Curled up in a shawl and reading. Skopje, Macedonia, Lile Ordev's flat, March 2011 __________________________ (I wrote this on June 8, 2011, mostly as a reminder to be kinder to myself – fat or thin. “This Time Would be Different,” I told myself: I would keep the weight off. Unfortunately, I regained most of it. A reminder to take nothing for granted. A reminder to celebrate life, no matter what, because the tomorrow we are given may not be the tomorrow we expected – or wanted. In fact, tomorrow is not guaranteed.) Dear Friends, Be kind to your former self. Love her, love him. Don’t be so hard on that person who decided to take matters seriously and lose weight and gain a healthier body. Remember, it was that brave person who made an important decision to spend a significant amount of money and admit publicly that he or she needed help. Do you remember that day so many months ago, how tentative you felt about go